When people get some free time, away from their jobs and family, what they do with that time will tell you the kind of person they are.
And with the current situation where people are left scared and out of supplies amid the coronavirus outbreak, it takes a man of class to step up and help those in need.
Enter the Special One: Jose Mourinho. The football community might perceive him as an egoistic, self-driven character who gives little thoughts on other’s feelings.
Although we won’t completely deny his abrasive personality, the Tottenham Hotspur boss certainly has a soft side to him as well which was apparent as he was seen (via @MichaelBridge_) helping deliver food to the elderly –

Given the higher vulnerability to elders from the virus, the fact that Mourinho,57, is out on the streets at Enfield helping to deliver the essentials to the ones in need, is truly fantastic to see him.
Love him or hate him, he has truly led by example on this occasion and showing all the people that if we need to fight this crisis, we need to help each and everybody, as much as we can.