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Thibaut Courtois Gets Dragged Into Israel-Palestine Conflict Because of Model Girlfriend

Thibaut Courtois Gets Dragged Into Israel-Palestine Conflict Because of Model Girlfriend

Real Madrid Goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois recently became a topic of discussion on Twitter, for reasons one couldn’t guess no matter how much they tried.

Coming on the back of a UCL triumph, Courtois looks to have picked exactly where he left off, as he appeared noticeably sharp during pre-season fixtures. The Belgian will be itching to get started with UCL-holders Los Blancos when they come up against Eintracht Frankfurt for the UEFA Super Cup in a few days’ time. 

The 30-year-old’s name recently began popping up across Football Twitter, and the reasons are directly linked to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. 

The 2 regions, who are usually at odds with each other, were embroiled in conflict once again, as a series of rockets and missiles were exchanged. The three-day conflict came to an end through a truce brokered by Egypt, but the flare-up had already taken its toll, as the bombardment reportedly claimed the lives of 44 Palestinians, including 15 children. 

Needless to say, the age-old conflict has always been divisive, with individuals usually harbouring a stance that best suits their interests. Such is the case for Courtois’ partner Mishel Gerzig, who is a popular Israeli model, hailing from Tel Aviv. 

She recently took to Instagram and posted a story in support of her nation, one which appeared to correct a headline pushed by CNN.

Upon noticing the activity, fans online quickly flocked to Twitter to share their disapproval, and eventually, the heat transferred over to Courtois himself. 

The Belgian caught criticism after he shared a message for his partner on social media, which was captioned ‘Stay Safe baby’. Users online were in disbelief, as they pointed out that Gerzig is far away from the war zone, hence accusing the keeper of being tone-deaf.

Many soon raised the reasonable argument of Courtois simply expressing concern for his partner’s safety, and of course, a debate emerged around that as well. 

It’s strange to see a footballer caught amidst discussions such as these, and Real Madrid fans will certainly be hoping that the Belgian doesn’t lose focus for the upcoming Super Cup decider.